Friday, January 21, 2011


Andrew(2) Sam(22 mo) Jonas(22 mo) Connor(19 mo) Krew(19 mo)
YES, Connor is the biggest but not the oldest!  We love our BIG boy!
For those of you who don't know Cody's family well, they are very close and always have been. When Cody was born, there was a streak of boys in the Clay family being born within a few years of each other. When the boys got older they all developed a love for soccer and now play on an indoor soccer team together, called the RedStar's. In 2002 when we got married, so did two of his cousins, and then a few years down the road followed another cousin and his brother. It has been fun to get together with these cousins and their wives, fortunately we all get along very well. In 2008 we learned that ALL 5 of the cousins wives were expecting baby's! We were so excited and thought it would be fun to raise these little ones together as our husbands were. And then one by one we found out that we were ALL expecting little baby BOYS! It has been said many times that we almost make up our own soccer team. It has been so much fun getting these second cousins together and hope that they continue to share in the awesome relationship that their dad's share together.

Krew(2 mo) Andre (10 mo) Sam(5 mo) Jonas(5 mo) Connor(2 mo)

Krew(2 mo) Sam(5 mo) Andrew(10 mo) Jonas(5 mo) Connor(2 mo)
Krew & Connor are first cousins and born only two weeks
apart, although their size difference doesn't show it!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Soccer, dentist and cute boys

So I have already decided that trying to keep my resolution to blog once a week might be a little harder than I thought. We haven't done anything too exciting in the last week but here are some of the things we did do!

Parker at the dentist office. It was a great visit, zero
cavities! We were so proud of him!

This is the cute little dentist office, it looks as
though you are under the sea with Nemo!

For those of you who don't know, Cody plays on an indoor Soccer team with his Brother, Brother in law, and three cousins. I don't think any of them take it too seriously, it is just a fun way for them to get together and get some exercise. Last Thursday night they had a game at ten o'clock so I stayed home with the boys and told him to be safe! At eleven I called to tell him that I was going to bed, too tired to stay up and find out how the game was. When he didn't answer, I text him the same message and then sat looking at the clock thinking that the game should be over and he should be home at any time. With a sick feeling in my stomache, I thought about calling both of my brother in laws to find out if something had happened and then heard him come into the house. I figured everything was fine and went to sleep. I got up with Connor in the middle of the night and when I got back in bed, noticed that Cody had an ace bandage wrapped around his head! Panicked, I shook him awake and said, "Honey, what happened? Are you alright?" Apparently while he was trying to keep the other team from scoring by saving the goal, the knee of the guy on the other team met Cody's head and cut it open. Fortunately, the team they were playing was a bunch of Doctors from Wecare Pediatrics and they were able to fix him up and send him on his way. Other than some dizziness and possibly a slight concussion, he is fine and only has some turf burn on his face to show for it! Thank heavens it wasn't anything serious.

Parker loves his little brother, they are so
cute together!

Is it bad that I like to dress them alike?
If I can find it in both sizes, I always
get them to match!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Time Out!

At 18 months old, my sweet little Connor has decided to test us by throwing little tantrums and hitting his big brother. To get a handle on him early, we have been trying time outs that consist of him sitting on the floor in the middle of his room for one minute. The first hand full of times we tried this, he did quite well and would sit until his time was up, give hugs and kisses to say "I am sorry" and then be on his way. Parker on the other hand has been through many different types of time outs and only one has really worked, sitting on the floor with his nose against the wall. This is a punishment that my dad enforced on us when we were little girls and we hated it with a passion, but it worked. So this afternoon as I was making lunch, Connor was asking for a cup which of course needed a straw to drink out of, and stupid me gave it to him fully aware that he still tips the cup when trying to drink. He wanders off into the dining room when I hear him say "uh-oh skeetios"and I know exactly what to expect when I walk into him sitting in a puddle of water on the floor. After stripping off his shoes, socks and pants and mopping up the mess; I jokingly say to Connor "no, no Connor, please go sit on time out." As he starts to walk toward his room, I follow him because I am amazed that he listened and watch him walk to the wall where he stands and puts his nose against the wall! I just had to laugh and then go and get the camera to take a few pictures! What a silly boy, he is getting too big!