Monday, January 3, 2011

Time Out!

At 18 months old, my sweet little Connor has decided to test us by throwing little tantrums and hitting his big brother. To get a handle on him early, we have been trying time outs that consist of him sitting on the floor in the middle of his room for one minute. The first hand full of times we tried this, he did quite well and would sit until his time was up, give hugs and kisses to say "I am sorry" and then be on his way. Parker on the other hand has been through many different types of time outs and only one has really worked, sitting on the floor with his nose against the wall. This is a punishment that my dad enforced on us when we were little girls and we hated it with a passion, but it worked. So this afternoon as I was making lunch, Connor was asking for a cup which of course needed a straw to drink out of, and stupid me gave it to him fully aware that he still tips the cup when trying to drink. He wanders off into the dining room when I hear him say "uh-oh skeetios"and I know exactly what to expect when I walk into him sitting in a puddle of water on the floor. After stripping off his shoes, socks and pants and mopping up the mess; I jokingly say to Connor "no, no Connor, please go sit on time out." As he starts to walk toward his room, I follow him because I am amazed that he listened and watch him walk to the wall where he stands and puts his nose against the wall! I just had to laugh and then go and get the camera to take a few pictures! What a silly boy, he is getting too big!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! It will be fun to read how your cute family is doing. Hard to believe it was over a decade ago when we were living the college life in freezing Rexburg! I see that you already have my blog listed, so I better get better about updating it. ;)
