Friday, February 25, 2011

A Loose Tooth

Parker has had these two permanant teeth coming in on the bottom and he hasn't lost any baby teeth yet!  The dentist just told us to keep wiggeling them until they fall out on their own, but it has taken FOREVER for them to even get a little bit loose.  I dropped Park off at playgroup on Wednesday and when I picked him up from school, he came bouncing out the door with a huge grin on his face and a plastic tooth necklace around his neck.  It turns out another boy in his class had pulled out his tooth the day before and gave Parker the courage to pull his.  He wore the necklace with his ity bity tooth inside it, all day, and even managed to show all the kids in the neighborhood!
Parker with his tooth necklace!
Parker's very first missing tooth!

Presents from the tooth fairy!  Because it was his first missing tooth, he got an extra gift (A Veggie Tales movie) And when he saw the money he said, "I got one George Washington and Two George Washington's!"  What is the going rate for loose teeth these days anyway?

A Snowy Day!

It snowed and snowed some more all day Sunday and all Night.  We woke up on Monday to a Winter Wonderland!  Fortunately it was President's day so Cody had the day off and Parker was itching to get outside and into the glorious untouched snow!  I took a few pictures of their snow day while Connor and I stayed warm inside
This is the most snow we have had all winter!

The view from our front door! Holy Snow!

Parker getting ready to throw a snowball at dad!

Cody took a few in the face!  What a good sport!

Parker totally took Cody down in the snow.  They played outside for 2 hours & had so much fun!

Parker lost his boot and then a sock in the deep snow!

Parker and his best friend Will!  After dad was done playing, he ran across the street to get Will to play in the snow!

Connor staying warm inside with mom.  He saw me taking pictures of Parker and kept saying "cheese mom!"  It was too cute not to post!

Valentine's Day

Wow, it has been a while since I have posted anything, so here is a catchup on what we have been doing this month!  On Valentine's day Cody and I were able to go out without the boys and spend some time together.  We went to a movie and then picked up dinner from Outback and brought it home.  Thanks to Grandpa Arnie and Grandma Cheryl for tending our two cute boys.
Parker & Connor anxiously awaiting their Valentine's presents!

Parker was thrilled to get a new Transformer! 

Connor loves puppies! He was so excited to get one that is almost as big as he is!

Connor with his two favorite things, his blankie and new puppy!
My Valentine's day present was a new minivan!  We had been looking for something bigger for our family vehicle for quite some time and had decided that a minivan was a good option for us.  It gets better gas mileage than other large SUV's and we needed something big enough for us to expand our family in the next few years.  I am very excited to have it, it is fun to drive, the boys LOVE it, and it gives us plenty of space!

SO much room!  Connor loves the "new car"

Thursday, February 10, 2011


These are a few pictures of my boys with their cousins!  The Hymas side has 11 grand kids ranging from 19 to my Connor who is 20 months old!  The Combe side has 6 grand kids ranging from 14 to 19 months old.  We are so blessed to be so close to most of our family (although Kristi just moved to Washington 6 months ago, we miss ya Bowen family) and love getting to spend time together.  I may be a little arrogant but I think that we have the cutest families of grand kids that one could ever hope for!

Hymas grand kids on the fourth of July.  What an adorable bunch of kids!
Aubrey, Drew, Paige, Broc and Parker waiting for the fireworks to start.

This is one of my favorites because these three were all born within 10 months of each other, and LOVE to play together!  Parker, Drew and Bailei are all currently 5 years old.
Combe grand kids at the family Christmas party.  Great grandma Combe is in the pic as well and we just love her.  Connor and Krew got the little chairs for Christmas.

Another one of my favorites!  These three were born within 13 months of each other.  Carter 2 1/2, Kennadi 2 and Connor 20 months.  These three also LOVE to play together.

Brooke and Kennadi came to visit last week and Connor had so much fun playing with his buddy Kennadi!  Connor tried his hardest to say her name but ended up calling her Lel-a-lee. 
Connor and Krew, best buddies and cousins.  It has been so much fun having these babies so close in age.  Cute little Krew was born 2 weeks after Connor and we have loved every minute of it!

Kindergarten Playgroup

On Parker's first day of school, one of the mother's approached me and invited us to a playgroup at the park.  It was a good get together for some of the boys in the class to get to know one another.  She also suggested this kindergarten playgroup where each mom take turns hosting.  So every Wednesday at 9:30 we drop the boys off to the designated home where we let them play, do a craft or game, feed them lunch and then send them off to school.  It has worked out so well, I am always excited for Wednesday to come so Parker can play with his classmates and I get to have one on one time with Connor.  It is always fun to host playgroup too, Parker gets to choose what we are having for lunch, (which usually consists of mini corn dogs, apples and Cheetos) what type of dessert, and share his fun toys!  There are five boys in the group so we usually only host once every month and a half.  It has been a great way for Parker to make new friends and for mommy to get lots of errands done, hopefully we will continue this in a few more years when Connor hits Kindergarten!  

Boys like to play DRESS UP too!

I'm pretty sure I asked them to make mean faces, apparently Park didn't hear me.

Mmm . . . . These cupcakes are delicious!

Valentine's day cupcakes! I thought they turned out pretty cute and the boys loved them!

We played Bingo and each child got a bag full of goodies when they got a bingo

I found this awesome website where you can print any type of Bingo card imaginable, and it is so easy to do for any occasion.  Check it out!