Friday, February 25, 2011

A Snowy Day!

It snowed and snowed some more all day Sunday and all Night.  We woke up on Monday to a Winter Wonderland!  Fortunately it was President's day so Cody had the day off and Parker was itching to get outside and into the glorious untouched snow!  I took a few pictures of their snow day while Connor and I stayed warm inside
This is the most snow we have had all winter!

The view from our front door! Holy Snow!

Parker getting ready to throw a snowball at dad!

Cody took a few in the face!  What a good sport!

Parker totally took Cody down in the snow.  They played outside for 2 hours & had so much fun!

Parker lost his boot and then a sock in the deep snow!

Parker and his best friend Will!  After dad was done playing, he ran across the street to get Will to play in the snow!

Connor staying warm inside with mom.  He saw me taking pictures of Parker and kept saying "cheese mom!"  It was too cute not to post!

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