Thursday, March 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Parker!

We spent ALL last week celebrating Parker's 6th birthday!  On Sunday we had a family party with the Combe side.  We had a Honey Baked Ham(Parker's favorite) dinner and then opened presents and had cupcakes and ice cream!  I seriously can't believe that he is six already, how time flies!

Parker insisted on Transformers, unfortunately there isn't much I could find that I liked .... so we made the cupcakes.  Thank goodness for my loving husband who offered to help, they were a pain, but turned out pretty good I think!

Happy 6th Birthday Parker. . . .

On Wednesday was playgroup, so we had to celebrate his birthday by having a Transformers party where we played balloon blast, hunt for the All spark, and pin the autobot on Bumblebee.  We finished with lunch and more cupcakes & ice cream!
 On Thursday we had a fun filled "REAL" birthday!  Parker chose blueberry pancakes for breakfast.  Then we surprised him by taking the boys to Chucke Cheese.  It was perfect, we went at 10 o'clock when we were the only ones there.  Parker & Connor loved the games!  Parker likes to race daddy on the cars & Connor loved to play "hoop!"

We wanted a pic of Parker and Chucke so we had them sit on the stage with the animated one, Connor was loving it, Until . . . .

They saw Chucke Cheese himself!  I think Parker was excited to see him, but it was Connor who was Awh struck.  He couldn't get enough of him, followed him around with a huge smile on his face.  No more worrying about how he will do with the Disney characters when we go to Disneyland this summer! 
 After a quick Taco Time lunch and school(where he got to present his poster of his family & favorite things, hand out treats and be the king for the day,) It was present time.  Parker got some summer clothes, new swimsuits, a DS game, a Transformer and . . . .

A new bike!  He really needed a new one, he could barely fit on the old one.  He was a little sad that he no longer has the same one as his best friend across the street, but loves his new big boy bike!
We ended the night with Dinner at Olive Garden(his choice) and a surprise viewing of Tangled at Kaysville Theatre.  It was a fun day getting to spend all our time and attention on our sweet Parker who is getting too big, too fast!  We love you Park!

And we ended the week with a party in Pocatello with my side of the family.  Parker loved his many presents which included a new helmet for his new bike, thank you everyone! 

And another cake, only this time, I let Smith's do the baking!  For some reason, I guess I don't know how to clean his face.  In each of the pictures that I have for EVERY party we had, he has something orange all over him, messy kid!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Double Dribble!

Okay, so I am a little obsessed with putting videos on the blog now that I know how to do it!  Cody was in L.A. on a business trip this week and while he was gone, Connor learned how to "dribble" the ball from his big brother!  I thought it was adorable, and that he did a pretty good job!  I wanted to capture it for Cody while he was away and so of course I needed to post it for everyone else to see! 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Parker's Lucky day!

His grand prize was a Movie night package that included a 2 liter bottle of Root Beer, a package of Twizlers, 2 microwave popcorn and $1 for a Redbox rental! 
Parker's school had a family week and they sent home a list of various things to do to encourage spending time as a family.  If the kids completed five things on the list then they got to return the form to school and be entered in a drawing for a prize.  It was a fun week of spending time together!  We completed the following:

1. Eat dinner together at the table without a TV on ~ Parker chose Olive Garden
2. Watch a movie as a family ~ We had a picnic in our room and watched Despicable Me
3. Go on a walk as a family ~ We went for a short jont around the neighborhood
4. Say 10 things that you love about them to a family member ~ Parker chose Mommy!
5. Read a story as a family ~ We read Parker's library book, The Magic School Bus 
6. Attend the Kaysville Elementary Art fair as a family ~ Cody took the boys while I was at Bunko 
7. Play a game with the whole family ~ We played Toy Story 3 Domino's

Parker returned his form and ended up winning the grand prize in his class.  He then won the Box Top prize for his class.  He was really excited to be the LUCKY winner for the day, and I told him it was because he wore his Green lucky 7 shirt that day!  Ever since that week, we have made a point to make Friday a Family Fun Night where we spend time together doing whatever Parker wants for the night.  He looks forward to it each week and it has been so much fun for our family!

My little Parrot!

I thought this was adorable and definitely worth sharing!  Connor Bonner at his best!  It is so much fun having a little talker around the house, we love every minute of it (except for when he repeats the not so nice stuff!)

I LOVE markers!

As I was doing my hair this morning, Parker yells to me "mom, Come and look at Connor!"  I walked into the living room expecting something a little different than what I found.  Parker and Connor had been sitting at the table coloring together (surprisingly Connor had been a very easy child when it came to markers, no mishaps, not yet atleast!) and this is what I found.  My sweet little Connor had decorated himself very nicely!  It was so funny, I had to laugh and get the camera, but I think he got a little emberrased and started to cry. 
So sad, but some very nice work!
Good thing these were dry erase markers and very easy to clean off!
I showed him the pictures after I took them and he was confused about what was all over his face!  Too funny!

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Loose Tooth

Parker has had these two permanant teeth coming in on the bottom and he hasn't lost any baby teeth yet!  The dentist just told us to keep wiggeling them until they fall out on their own, but it has taken FOREVER for them to even get a little bit loose.  I dropped Park off at playgroup on Wednesday and when I picked him up from school, he came bouncing out the door with a huge grin on his face and a plastic tooth necklace around his neck.  It turns out another boy in his class had pulled out his tooth the day before and gave Parker the courage to pull his.  He wore the necklace with his ity bity tooth inside it, all day, and even managed to show all the kids in the neighborhood!
Parker with his tooth necklace!
Parker's very first missing tooth!

Presents from the tooth fairy!  Because it was his first missing tooth, he got an extra gift (A Veggie Tales movie) And when he saw the money he said, "I got one George Washington and Two George Washington's!"  What is the going rate for loose teeth these days anyway?

A Snowy Day!

It snowed and snowed some more all day Sunday and all Night.  We woke up on Monday to a Winter Wonderland!  Fortunately it was President's day so Cody had the day off and Parker was itching to get outside and into the glorious untouched snow!  I took a few pictures of their snow day while Connor and I stayed warm inside
This is the most snow we have had all winter!

The view from our front door! Holy Snow!

Parker getting ready to throw a snowball at dad!

Cody took a few in the face!  What a good sport!

Parker totally took Cody down in the snow.  They played outside for 2 hours & had so much fun!

Parker lost his boot and then a sock in the deep snow!

Parker and his best friend Will!  After dad was done playing, he ran across the street to get Will to play in the snow!

Connor staying warm inside with mom.  He saw me taking pictures of Parker and kept saying "cheese mom!"  It was too cute not to post!

Valentine's Day

Wow, it has been a while since I have posted anything, so here is a catchup on what we have been doing this month!  On Valentine's day Cody and I were able to go out without the boys and spend some time together.  We went to a movie and then picked up dinner from Outback and brought it home.  Thanks to Grandpa Arnie and Grandma Cheryl for tending our two cute boys.
Parker & Connor anxiously awaiting their Valentine's presents!

Parker was thrilled to get a new Transformer! 

Connor loves puppies! He was so excited to get one that is almost as big as he is!

Connor with his two favorite things, his blankie and new puppy!
My Valentine's day present was a new minivan!  We had been looking for something bigger for our family vehicle for quite some time and had decided that a minivan was a good option for us.  It gets better gas mileage than other large SUV's and we needed something big enough for us to expand our family in the next few years.  I am very excited to have it, it is fun to drive, the boys LOVE it, and it gives us plenty of space!

SO much room!  Connor loves the "new car"

Thursday, February 10, 2011


These are a few pictures of my boys with their cousins!  The Hymas side has 11 grand kids ranging from 19 to my Connor who is 20 months old!  The Combe side has 6 grand kids ranging from 14 to 19 months old.  We are so blessed to be so close to most of our family (although Kristi just moved to Washington 6 months ago, we miss ya Bowen family) and love getting to spend time together.  I may be a little arrogant but I think that we have the cutest families of grand kids that one could ever hope for!

Hymas grand kids on the fourth of July.  What an adorable bunch of kids!
Aubrey, Drew, Paige, Broc and Parker waiting for the fireworks to start.

This is one of my favorites because these three were all born within 10 months of each other, and LOVE to play together!  Parker, Drew and Bailei are all currently 5 years old.
Combe grand kids at the family Christmas party.  Great grandma Combe is in the pic as well and we just love her.  Connor and Krew got the little chairs for Christmas.

Another one of my favorites!  These three were born within 13 months of each other.  Carter 2 1/2, Kennadi 2 and Connor 20 months.  These three also LOVE to play together.

Brooke and Kennadi came to visit last week and Connor had so much fun playing with his buddy Kennadi!  Connor tried his hardest to say her name but ended up calling her Lel-a-lee. 
Connor and Krew, best buddies and cousins.  It has been so much fun having these babies so close in age.  Cute little Krew was born 2 weeks after Connor and we have loved every minute of it!

Kindergarten Playgroup

On Parker's first day of school, one of the mother's approached me and invited us to a playgroup at the park.  It was a good get together for some of the boys in the class to get to know one another.  She also suggested this kindergarten playgroup where each mom take turns hosting.  So every Wednesday at 9:30 we drop the boys off to the designated home where we let them play, do a craft or game, feed them lunch and then send them off to school.  It has worked out so well, I am always excited for Wednesday to come so Parker can play with his classmates and I get to have one on one time with Connor.  It is always fun to host playgroup too, Parker gets to choose what we are having for lunch, (which usually consists of mini corn dogs, apples and Cheetos) what type of dessert, and share his fun toys!  There are five boys in the group so we usually only host once every month and a half.  It has been a great way for Parker to make new friends and for mommy to get lots of errands done, hopefully we will continue this in a few more years when Connor hits Kindergarten!  

Boys like to play DRESS UP too!

I'm pretty sure I asked them to make mean faces, apparently Park didn't hear me.

Mmm . . . . These cupcakes are delicious!

Valentine's day cupcakes! I thought they turned out pretty cute and the boys loved them!

We played Bingo and each child got a bag full of goodies when they got a bingo

I found this awesome website where you can print any type of Bingo card imaginable, and it is so easy to do for any occasion.  Check it out!

Friday, January 21, 2011


Andrew(2) Sam(22 mo) Jonas(22 mo) Connor(19 mo) Krew(19 mo)
YES, Connor is the biggest but not the oldest!  We love our BIG boy!
For those of you who don't know Cody's family well, they are very close and always have been. When Cody was born, there was a streak of boys in the Clay family being born within a few years of each other. When the boys got older they all developed a love for soccer and now play on an indoor soccer team together, called the RedStar's. In 2002 when we got married, so did two of his cousins, and then a few years down the road followed another cousin and his brother. It has been fun to get together with these cousins and their wives, fortunately we all get along very well. In 2008 we learned that ALL 5 of the cousins wives were expecting baby's! We were so excited and thought it would be fun to raise these little ones together as our husbands were. And then one by one we found out that we were ALL expecting little baby BOYS! It has been said many times that we almost make up our own soccer team. It has been so much fun getting these second cousins together and hope that they continue to share in the awesome relationship that their dad's share together.

Krew(2 mo) Andre (10 mo) Sam(5 mo) Jonas(5 mo) Connor(2 mo)

Krew(2 mo) Sam(5 mo) Andrew(10 mo) Jonas(5 mo) Connor(2 mo)
Krew & Connor are first cousins and born only two weeks
apart, although their size difference doesn't show it!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Soccer, dentist and cute boys

So I have already decided that trying to keep my resolution to blog once a week might be a little harder than I thought. We haven't done anything too exciting in the last week but here are some of the things we did do!

Parker at the dentist office. It was a great visit, zero
cavities! We were so proud of him!

This is the cute little dentist office, it looks as
though you are under the sea with Nemo!

For those of you who don't know, Cody plays on an indoor Soccer team with his Brother, Brother in law, and three cousins. I don't think any of them take it too seriously, it is just a fun way for them to get together and get some exercise. Last Thursday night they had a game at ten o'clock so I stayed home with the boys and told him to be safe! At eleven I called to tell him that I was going to bed, too tired to stay up and find out how the game was. When he didn't answer, I text him the same message and then sat looking at the clock thinking that the game should be over and he should be home at any time. With a sick feeling in my stomache, I thought about calling both of my brother in laws to find out if something had happened and then heard him come into the house. I figured everything was fine and went to sleep. I got up with Connor in the middle of the night and when I got back in bed, noticed that Cody had an ace bandage wrapped around his head! Panicked, I shook him awake and said, "Honey, what happened? Are you alright?" Apparently while he was trying to keep the other team from scoring by saving the goal, the knee of the guy on the other team met Cody's head and cut it open. Fortunately, the team they were playing was a bunch of Doctors from Wecare Pediatrics and they were able to fix him up and send him on his way. Other than some dizziness and possibly a slight concussion, he is fine and only has some turf burn on his face to show for it! Thank heavens it wasn't anything serious.

Parker loves his little brother, they are so
cute together!

Is it bad that I like to dress them alike?
If I can find it in both sizes, I always
get them to match!